Corporate Governance


Our Board is committed to achieving and demonstrating the highest standards of corporate governance.

The Board of IPL is committed to achieving and demonstrating the highest standards of corporate governance and fulfilling its corporate governance obligations in the best interests of its shareholders. The Board has implemented, and operates in accordance with, a set of corporate governance principles which are fundamental to the Company's continued growth and success.

Corporate Governance Statement 

2023 Corporate Governance Statement 


Incitec Pivot Limited Constitution



Audit and Risk Management Committee

Health, Safety, Environment and Community Committee  

People and Remuneration Committee 

Nominations Committee 

Codes and Policies 

Anti-bribery Policy

Anti-Discrimination and Harassment Policy 

Climate Change Policy

Code of Conduct 

Continuous Disclosure Policy

Delegated and Reserved Powers Policy - summary

Diversity Policy 

Health, Safety, Environment & Community Policy

Human Rights Policy

Modern Slavery Policy

Risk Policy and Framework - summary

Shareholder Communications Policy 

Sanctions Policy - summary

Securities Trading Policy

Sustainable Communities Policy

Whistleblower Protection Policy - Global

Whistleblower Protection Policy - Australian

Workplace Gender Equality Act: 2019-2020 Public Report