A groundbreaking ceremony today in Western Australia’s Pilbara has marked the start of construction of Perdaman Chemicals & Fertilisers’ (PCF) urea plant which will provide Incitec Pivot Fertilisers (IPF) with a secure, long term supply of Australian urea.
The exclusive 20-year offtake partnership with PCF secures up to 2.3 million tonnes of urea per year for IPF and its customers. Today IPF representatives joined Perdaman leadership in Karratha for a groundbreaking ceremony to celebrate the beginning of construction on the project.
Incitec Pivot Limited (IPL) Managing Director & CEO Jeanne Johns said today’s announcement by Perdaman Chairman & CEO Vikas Rambal is testament to his longstanding vision and determination to support Australian agriculture into the future. The world scale manufacturing plant will use Western Australian natural gas to produce urea fertiliser, an essential input for Australian agriculture.
“I want to congratulate Vikas and his Perdaman team for making this opportunity a reality and bringing together Australian and international expertise. This investment in manufacturing will support highly skilled jobs and deliver security of supply for Australian farmers.
“Our partnership with Perdaman provides IPF with significant volumes of competitive, long-term, domestic urea supply for its Australian customers and the ability to expand sales into growing global markets,” Ms Johns said.
“Global market conditions and security of supply are growing challenges for farmers and the agriculture sector in Australia and globally.
“IPF is very excited to be partnering in a project with this level of significance to Australian agriculture.”
Urea supply is expected to be available from mid-2027 when construction is completed.
IPF’s strategy is to deliver market leading products and services that provide farmers with more sustainable plant nutrition solutions, manage input costs, increase productivity, and crop yields and improve the health of their most valuable asset, their soil.
“This is all about IPF executing on its strategy and enables IPF to grow the long-term strength and scale of the business. It is also another step towards creating two great businesses – Incitec Pivot Fertilisers and Dyno Nobel.
“IPL is committed to supporting domestic manufacturing, and as Australia’s largest domestic manufacturer of plant nutrition products, aims to play an important role in the agriculture industry’s target of being a $100 billion industry by 2030,” Ms Johns said.
The project has been awarded Major Project Status by both the Australian and Western Australian governments. It is expected to provide $8.5 billion in public benefit to Northern Australia and generate around 2,000 construction jobs and 200 operational and indirect jobs once production begins.
More information available in IPL’s ASX here.
For media enquiries:
Debbie Guest
Group Corporate Affairs Manager
m: +61 455 745 639
e: Debbie.guest@incitecpivot.com.au
Matthew Flugge
Group Vice President Corporate Affairs, Incitec Pivot Limited
m: +61 409 705 176
e: matthew.flugge@incitecpivot.com.au
About Incitec Pivot Fertilisers
Incitec Pivot Fertilisers (IPF) is a key supplier of quality fertilisers, plant nutrition and soil health solutions, helping Australian farmers maximise productivity for their crops and achieve sustainable plant nutrition outcomes for their soils and farms. The IPF team works closely with a network of local dealers, agronomists and advisors across the East Coast of Australia to support growers all year around. The NATA-accredited Nutrient Advantage Laboratory works together with agronomists and advisors to provide soil and plant analysis and decision support tools to drive efficient plant nutrition and to maximise soil potential. www.incitecpivotfertilisers.com.au