IPL's current site environmental monitoring data
The NSW Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) is the independent authority responsible for administering activities under the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 (POEO Act). In Accordance with the POEO Act the EPA regulates business activities particularly relating to air emissions; contaminated sites; hazardous material; noise; pesticides; forestry activities; waste; water quality; and state of the environment reporting.
The POEO Act establishes the NSW environmental framework, and includes provisions for licencing certain activities. The EPA use Environment Protection Licences (EPLs) as a means to regulate the impacts of pollution in NSW.
IPL currently has four such EPL's relating to its sites in NSW.
In 2011, the POEO Act was amended to require EPL holders who undertake pollution monitoring as a result of a licence condition after 31 March 2012, to publish that monitoring data on their corporate website.
Of the four EPLs which IPL holds for its NSW sites, there is one which requires IPL to undertake pollution monitoring- Kooragang Island.
Click on the link below for historical (post 31 March 2012) and current monitoring data for this site: